Friday, March 21, 2014

EQ 6--Upload your favorite logo. Explain how you made it. Explain why it is your favorite

This would be my favorite logo, it is the first variation of the original like it. First I found the original font and created the same "K&M" with the same texture/ color. Then I created a new layer and found a different font for the summer shop, but a font that still flowed with the K&M but was more simple. Next i went to free transform and resized, tilted, and shifted it until it fit perfectly and still flowed readability-wise. I then created another layer for the "EST. 2014" and yet again found another font so it would stand out as well. I made it black because that isn't something that i wanted to pop out at the eye but it still makes it more complex. I tilted and resized it with free transform. Finally, i went to illustrator and selected the hat symbol and copied and pasted that back onto photoshop. I used free transform to resize and told it till it fit the "K" perfectly. Then i used the paint bucket to recolor it and edited to give it life and texture.

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