Friday, March 14, 2014

EQ 5-- What are the eight parts of the business plan you were assigned? Is that different then you thought? What are the issues you have had so far writing your plan? What has been easy?

The eight parts of the business plan are; Executive summary, Company description, Market analysis, Organization and management, Service or product line, Marketing and sales, Funding request, and Financial projections. It wasn't too different than what i thought, however, the details that had to go into it were crazy. I was assigned to the financial portion of it and if I actually had my own business i would cry. There is so many things to think about and get approved. What was difficult for me is that our product wasn't something that needed to get approved and also we hadn't started our business yet so i found myself not being able to write a whole lot about what i was supposed to. I did't understand how to write about our history, budget, and how to make the charts simply because it isn't real. Also, I didn't know what half of the things were so i had to research a lot of things in order to write about it. What has been easy was simply coming up with how we were gonna sell it and in what manner. The name of our company came almost instantly and our product flowed right along with it. It was fun thinking about how to actually create a sellable product and how to go about it, just writing about it wasn't fun.

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