Friday, April 25, 2014

EQ 10--What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

We are using the Flash program to create a short story or fractured fairytale of our choice. One of the terms we learned was the stage, which is the background or screen of the movie. We learned how to change the color on that, but it has to stay that color throughout the whole movie. Another term is timeline which is at the bottom of the screen and you use this to make keyframes, and tweens. A keyframe is what you insert to create each "scene" and you can make it however long. To make this you right click on the timeline and insert it wherever you need. There are three different tweens classic tween, motion tween and shape tween. We learned shape tween first and what this does is morph whatever shape you have on the screen. Next we learned the classic tween, and we used this to make the bouncing ball. You create a keyframe and then click in the middle of that frame, select classic tween, then move the object to wherever you want. Next we learned motion tween, its the same process as the classic tween however its just one smooth motion. We used this to make the sun move across the screen.

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